Lisa Ryan

Lisa Ryan

As a Certified Speaking Professional (CSP), an award-winning speaker and author of ten books, Lisa Ryan works with her clients to develop employee and client engagement initiatives and strategies that keep their top talent and best clients from becoming someone else’s.

Lisa’s expertise includes: strengthening workplace culture, improving employee engagement, increasing customer retention, and initiating gratitude strategies (“Grategies”) for personal and professional benefit. Lisa’s participants enjoy her high energy, enthusiastic delivery, and quick wit and they leave the session with ideas they are committed to acting on immediately to make positive workplace culture changes.

Lisa costars in two films with other experts including Jack Canfield of “Chicken Soup for the Soul.” She is the Past-President of the National Speakers Association, Ohio Chapter, and holds an MBA from Cleveland State University.

Most Requested Programs

Sweat the Small Stuff: Smart Strategies to Elevate Your Engagement Levels
Legendary cultures start with a commitment to building a foundation of trust, supporting your employees in their career aspirations, applauding their efforts and serving the mission that is greater than your company alone. When organizations pay attention to the “little things,” they maintain a higher retention rate, improved productivity and increased profitability than companies who ignore the niceties that create a positive corporate culture. With Gallup reporting that approximately 68% of the workforce is disengaged or actively disengaged, this clearly is an issue you don’t want to ignore.

Manufacturing Engagement: How to Keep Your Top Talent from Becoming Someone Else’s
It’s no secret. Your best employees have the power to take their skills to your competition. The bottom line is that you are faced with an enormous challenge: keeping your top talent from becoming someone else’s! This trend reaches far beyond just manufacturing. The Gallup organization reports close to 71% of all employees feel unsupported, detached, or disengaged from their current employer. The impact costs US businesses more than $450 billion in lost productivity each year.

Mastering the Millennial Mindset and Beyond: How to Attract and Retain Your Emerging Leaders
With approximately 10,000 baby boomers retiring every day, it’s more important than ever to attract the best employees you can hire while dealing with an ever-shrinking talent pool. Even more critical, is keeping your new hires from leaving after spending substantial time, money and human resources to get them onboard. With four active generations in the workplace, it’s important to realize that people are wired differently simply based on the year they were born. When you understand how each generation thinks, their relationship to the workplace, and where they place their priorities, it makes life easier for everyone.

Gratitude Strategies To Boost Your Business and Lift Your Life
Mother Teresa once said, “We are more starved for appreciation than we are for bread.” If you are looking for an inspirational program that has both personal and professional impact, this is for you. While sharing research, best practices, stories, and activities in this engaging conversation, Lisa shows you how you can benefit from the immense power of gratitude. You’ll discover simple strategies that will help you find the good – no matter what


Lisa Ryan is a wonderful speaker. I would highly recommend her a great message that we can all take away back .to our places of business. She’s easy to work with and our group really enjoyed her. - Lynne Carr, Executive Director, Spring Manufacturers Institute

Chuck Mullen, Chairman of Apple Growth Partners: Lisa Ryan gave an excellent presentation to our group at our firm wide annual meeting. The biggest takeaway I had from the session is the power of gratitude in the work environment as well as at home. - Chuck Mullen, Chairman of Apple Growth Partners

Lisa Ryan was very good and very well received by the attendees here to the IBEW/NECA employee benefits conference. Her tips for completing the gratitude lifecycle improves attitudes and makes employees happier in the workplace.- Bruce Burton, Executive Director IBEW (Intl. Brotherhood of Electrical Workers)

We worked with Lisa Ryan on our Game Changers events and from start to finish, from implementation to execution, she was wonderful in planning our four events in Ohio. We had an amazing time with her and so did all of our participants. We've been hearing nothing but great feedback and a lot of tangible takeaways. - Gina Palmieri, Well-Being Engagement Director for Gallagher Benefits.

We had the good fortune of bringing Lisa to our mangers’ meeting to talk to the leaders of the industry. There are a number of things that I really found fascinating. First and foremost, she charged the audience to the point that I think everybody is now showing gratitude to their employees, to their colleagues, and to each other. I see that as a result of Lisa's fine efforts the future of our industry is great.
- Joseph Fritz, Executive Director of the Investment Casting Institute.